Category Archives: Beau Chêne

Keeping You Informed: New Year’s Schedule

Our offices will be closed Monday, January 1st in observance of New Years Day.

Garbage will be picked up on Tuesday, January 2nd as scheduled.

For any water or sewer emergencies please call our main number at 985- 231-6285 and press #3.  

For all other emergencies call the Security Guards at:

Main Guard Gate        985-845-7560
East Guard Gate         985-845-8495
Marina Guard Gate     985-845-7022

I hope everyone of our residents get to spend time with family and friends during this special time of year.

Have a very safe and happy New Year!

Cristina Donovan
Chief Administrative Officer

BCHOA Christmas Office Schedule

Our offices will be closed Friday, December 22ndand Monday, December 25th for the Christmas holiday.

Garbage will not be picked up on Monday, December 25th (Christmas Day), instead it will be picked up on Tuesday, December 26th.  Yard trash will not be picked up on Wednesday, December 27th but will be picked up on Saturday, December 30th. See updated schedule from Northshore Disposal here.  

For any water or sewer emergencies please call our main number at 985- 231-6285 and press #3.

For all other emergencies call the Security Guards at:
 Main Guard Gate        985-845-7560
East Guard Gate         985-845-8495
Marina Guard Gate     985-845-7022

I hope everyone of our residents get to spend time with family and friends during this special time of year.

Have a very Blessed Holiday Season!

Cristina Donovan
Chief Administrative Officer

BCHOA Thanksgiving Schedule

Dear Homeowners & Residents:

Our offices will be closed on Thursday November 23rd – Friday November 24th, in observance of Thanksgiving. Garbage pickup will still occur as scheduled, but please place your garbage out by 7 a.m.

For any water or sewer emergencies please call our main number at 985-231-6285 and press #3.

For all other emergencies call the Security Guards at:

Main Guard Gate         985-845-7560
East Guard Gate          985-845-8495
Marina Guard Gate      985-845-7022

Have a safe, healthy and Happy Thanksgiving

Cristina Donovan

Hydrant Flushing

BCHOA Water System Flushing

Our local St. Tammany Fire District 4 is required by the Property Insurance Association of Louisiana to test water system fire hydrants for operational and water flow capabilities on a yearly basis. Information recorded is used in part to determine our Fire Insurance rating assessment. This rate will determine what our citizens and businesses will actually pay on their insurance. 

Starting Monday, October 9th thru Friday, October 20th, the Beau Chene Homeowners Association (BCHOA) will flush our water system by releasing water from fire hydrants, as necessary, to remove loose mineral deposits from the system prior to the high flows involved with fire district testing.  Flushing operations will be performed between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:30 a.m.

If, as a result of either our flushing or fire district testing, you should experience deposits in your water, please open outside faucets and run them slowly until your system is clear.  Repeat this process if sediments are present in your indoor faucets. Problems with deposits should be minimal because the water has been treated since 1996 for mineral deposit sequestering. 

Very Truly Yours,

David Vinson

Public Works Director

BCHOA Legacy Campaign


Community Playground Legacy Campaign

We are very excited to announce the Community Playground Legacy Campaign. Many residents participated in our Pledge Campaign conducted earlier this year. It is now time to follow through on your pledge and/or take this opportunity to contribute to our community playground.

Legacy Campaign

The Legacy Campaign will allow residents to support the community playground. This campaign gives you and/or your family the chance to leave a legacy in Beau Chene and also contribute towards additional features that will enhance the playground experience. 

Access the Legacy Campaign online with this link:

Please review the details in the online link, complete the fields, and hit SUBMIT. If you would like to revisit the detailed information about the playground, scroll to that information.

Any additional questions may be directed to Taylor Capouch ( and/or Cristina Donovan, CAO (

BCHOA 4th of July Office Hours

On Tuesday, July 4th Beau Chene Homeowner Association Offices will be closed for the Independence Day holiday. 

For any water or sewer emergencies please call the main number at 985-231-6285 and press #3.  

For all other BCHOA emergencies call the Security guards at: 

Main Guard Gate                  985-845-7560

East Guard Gate                   985-845-8495

Marina Guard Gate             985-845-7022

BCHOA Election Reminder – Deadline Monday, May 15th

Your vote matters!  Each homeowner has the privilege and right to vote for their BCHOA Directors.  Your vote also counts toward the establishment of a quorum for the transaction of business at the Annual Meeting.  Carefully review the materials you received previously in the mail and cast your vote according to the instructions contained in the mailing. 

The ballot MUST be returned to The Ballot Box in the postage paid return envelope provided.  All ballots must be received by The Ballot Box by Monday, May 15th to be counted.  The results of the election will be announced at the Annual Meeting of homeowners on May 17, 2023.

If you did not receive the ballot materials, please notify me as soon as possible so I can have The Ballot Box resend the materials to your mailing address.  I may be reached by phone at 985-231-6285 or email at


Cristina Donovan
Chief Administrative Officer
Beau Chene Homeowners Association

Beau Chene Fire Hydrant Flushing

BCHOA Water System Flushing

Our local St. Tammany Fire District 4 is required by the Property Insurance Association of Louisiana to test water system fire hydrants for operational and water flow capabilities on a yearly basis. Information recorded is used in part to determine our Fire Insurance rating assessment. This rate will determine what our citizens and businesses will actually pay on their insurance. 

Starting Monday, April 17th thru Friday, April 28th, the Beau Chene Homeowners Association will flush our water system by releasing water from fire hydrants, as necessary, to remove loose mineral deposits from the system prior to the high flows involved with fire district testing.  Flushing operations will be performed between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:30 a.m.

If, as a result of either our flushing or fire district testing, you should experience deposits in your water, please open outside faucets and run them slowly until your system is clear.  Repeat this process if sediments are present in your indoor faucets. Problems with deposits should be minimal because the water has been treated since 1996 for mineral deposit sequestering. 

Very Truly Yours,

David Vinson
Public Works Director

2023 BCHOA Mardi Gras Office Schedule

Dear Homeowners and Residents:

The BCHOA office will be closed on Tuesday, February 21st, 2023 for Mardi Gras Day.  We will be open regular hours 8:00 AM till 5:00 PM (closed one hour for lunch) the rest of the week.

For any water or sewer emergencies please call our main number at 985- 231-6285 and press #3 for Lindsey.

For all other emergencies:

Security Guards at:
Main Guard Gate               985-845-7560
East Guard Gate                 985-845-8495
Marina Guard Gate           985-845-7022

Sheriff’s Office:
Non-emergency               985-898-2338
EMERGENCY                   911

Laissez les bons temps rouler!
Cristina Donovan

Beau Chene Homeowners Association East Gate Visitor Lane Closure to Install New Security Gate Arm

The left entrance lane (Visitor Lane) at the East Gate will be closed Thursday, February 2nd, starting around 9 AM for approximately 2-3 hours and at the Main Gate after the East Gate work. Our contractor will be installing a new security gate arm. The right lane (Member Lane) will remain open throughout the installation.

All entering vehicles will enter through the right lane during this work.

You may contact the BCHOA office at 985-231-6285 or via e-mail at with any questions.


Cristina Donovan
Chief Administrative Officer