Your vote matters! Each homeowner has the privilege and right to vote for their BCHOA Directors. Your vote also counts toward the establishment of a quorum for the transaction of business at the Annual Meeting. Carefully review the materials you received previously in the mail and cast your vote according to the instructions contained in the mailing.
The ballot MUST be returned to The Ballot Box in the postage paid return envelope provided. All ballots must be received by The Ballot Box by Monday, May 15th to be counted. The results of the election will be announced at the Annual Meeting of homeowners on May 17, 2023.
If you did not receive the ballot materials, please notify me as soon as possible so I can have The Ballot Box resend the materials to your mailing address. I may be reached by phone at 985-231-6285 or email at
Cristina Donovan
Chief Administrative Officer
Beau Chene Homeowners Association