Every year, immediately following the Annual Meeting and election process, the BCHOA Board meets to determine officers, committee chairs and committee members as necessary. At the most recent organizational meeting, June 9th, the Board elected officers for 2017-2018 as follows: Paul Angelle, President; Doug Tate, Vice President; Jay Capouch, Treasurer; and Jay Whealdon, Secretary.
In addition to the eleven-member Board of Directors, BCHOA has seven (7) standing committees providing the association with a cross-section of experience and knowledge. The committees serve as an excellent training ground for future Board members and contribute continuity to the decision-making process. Functioning committees enhance their members’ sense of belonging, while providing the board with specific recommendations and expertise.
The Standing Committees, Chairs and their members include:
Community Enhancement Committee (CEC)
Chair, Doug Tate; Members: Leslie Boudreaux, Ann Jacobson, Donna Kiesel, deShea Richardson, Louise Rusch, Susan Sarason, Will Trist and Rob Rovira
Environmental Control Committee (ECC)
Chair, Chuck Turner; Members: Paul Angelle, Pete Burkhalter, Greg Peace and Lynn Springmann
Finance Committee
Chair, Jay Capouch; Members: Chip Comila, Jimmy Devane, Chuck Turner and Louise Rusch
Governance/Legal Committee
Chair, deShea Richardson; Members: Sean Burke, Sandra DuBroc, Charlie Laird and David Parnell
Infrastructure Committee
Chair, David Pesses; Members: Tom Abernathy, Jerry Biddleman, Andy Englande, Daniel Kelly, John Sherlock and Bob Weaver
Insurance Committee
Chair, Jay Whealdon; Members: James Richardson, John Pasqua and Rowland Stalter
Security Committee
Chair, Geoff Hingle; Members: Joe Corrizo, Marty Hennegan, Lee MacKenzie, Bill McInnis, John Palmer, Connie Seitz and Lance Rase
We thank all the Board and committee members for volunteering and investing their time and talents to preserve Beau Chene as the premiere residential community on the Northshore.
Cristina Donovan