BCHOA Public Works
Culvert Replacement Projects Commencing Friday, July 27, 2018
Our Public Works staff are working on two planned projects to replace culverts that are approximately 35-40 years old. The culverts being replaced run under Tete L’Ours Drive (between Catalpa Lane and Bayou Villas I & II) and under N. Beau Chene Drive (between Lake Villa #I and Lake Villa #2). This planned work effort will involve the following actions:
- Our staff will be lowering the water lines in both locations to allow space to replace the culverts above the water lines. This work is currently in progress.
- Atmos Energy (Gas) and Spectrum Charter both will be lowering cables as well to allow space to replace the culverts.
- Once all of the above are lowered, we will be temporarily closing sections of the roadways (one site at a time) to remove the asphalt road and the old culverts and replace with new recommended polymer coated metal culverts. During road closures, all condominium driveways will be accessible by residents.
- The work area will then be filled in with limestone and clay material and allowed to compact for several weeks. During this time the roads will be fully opened again.
- The final step is to replace the asphalt roadway during our 2018 scheduled asphalt repaving project.
All work progress will be subject to weather conditions. Further information will be communicated regarding all road closures several days before the actual closures to allow residents to plan their routes around the work.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding these projects, please contact Lindsey Adkins at 985-231-6285, ext. 3.
Cristina Donovan