Please be advised that the Beau Chene Homeowners Association (BCHOA) recently completed our Beau Chene Water System Service Line Inventory in response to the Louisiana Department of Health’s (LDH) request. The LDH required all community water systems (CWSs) meet regulatory requirements within the Lead and Copper Rule as mandated by US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
We identified all of our Private and Public water system service lines and through a random sample, determined that there are NO LEAD lines present in the Beau Chene Water System. Our process of verification included a random selection method approved by LDH, excavation, and identification of both (Private) and (Public) water service line materials throughout the BCHOA Community. Each of these excavated locations were photographed, inspected, with pipe materials identified and documented accordingly.
We are focused on protecting the health and safety of every household member in our community and are pleased to announce that following the thorough inspection process, completion, and submittal of the information to LDH, we have received confirmation that Beau Chene has met all mandated requirements within the Lead & Cooper Rule and fulfilled the obligations set forth by the EPA. Furthermore, we verified that there are NO LEAD water service lines within Beau Chene.
Our Beau Chene Water Service Line Inventory is available for viewing at our offices upon request.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Roy Hutchinson, Jr., Public Works Director, at 985-231-6285 ext. 7 or email at royh@bchoa.org.