Keeping You Informed – Opening Day of East Gate Guardhouse

Beginning on Monday, October 3rd, the security guards will be operating from the newly constructed Fontainbleau (East) entrance guardhouse. This guardhouse has been equipped with a barrier gate arm in the right or outer lane. Procedures for entering this entrance remain the same as current traffic flow with a few exceptions. All vehicles, members and visitors, will be directed into the left or inner lane to enter the subdivision with the following exceptions:

Monday thru Friday:

•During the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. the gate arm will remain in the UP position and the Patrol/Rover will staff the outer lane to allow vehicles with decals to enter the subdivision freely.
•During the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. the gate arm will remain in the UP position and a second guard will cover the outer lane to allow vehicles with decals to enter the subdivision freely.

All other hours of day and night the gate arm will remain in the DOWN position. The guard on duty will have the ability to open the gate arm remotely for:
•Oversized vehicles that cannot clear the clearance of 11’ 0” or 11 feet.
•To alleviate a temporary backup of vehicles if necessary
The existing white cones will continue to be used for a period of time to direct the traffic flow into the left or inner lane while entering the subdivision.

You may contact either Bill Maier at or me at if you have any questions concerning these procedures.

Cristina Donovan
Chief Administrative Office