BCHOA Water System Flushing
Our local St. Tammany Fire District 4 is required by the Property Insurance Association of Louisiana to test water system fire hydrants for operational and water flow capabilities on a yearly basis. Information recorded is used in part to determine our Fire Insurance rating assessment. This rate will determine what our citizens and businesses will actually pay on their insurance.
Starting Monday, October 9th thru Friday, October 20th, the Beau Chene Homeowners Association (BCHOA) will flush our water system by releasing water from fire hydrants, as necessary, to remove loose mineral deposits from the system prior to the high flows involved with fire district testing. Flushing operations will be performed between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:30 a.m.
If, as a result of either our flushing or fire district testing, you should experience deposits in your water, please open outside faucets and run them slowly until your system is clear. Repeat this process if sediments are present in your indoor faucets. Problems with deposits should be minimal because the water has been treated since 1996 for mineral deposit sequestering.
Very Truly Yours,
David Vinson
Public Works Director