Category Archives: Beau Chêne

Keeping You Informed: New Years Office Schedule

Dear Homeowners and Residents:

Our offices will be closed Monday, January 2nd in observance of New Years Day.

Garbage will be picked up on Monday, January 2nd as scheduled.
For any water or sewer emergencies please call our main number at 985- 231-6285 and press #3 for Lindsey.  
For all other emergencies call the Security Guards at:
Main Guard Gate        985-845-7560
East Guard Gate         985-845-8495
Marina Guard Gate     985-845-7022
I hope everyone of our residents get to spend time with family and friends during this special time of year.
Have a very safe and happy New Year!
Cristina Donovan
Chief Administrative Officer

BCHOA Christmas Office Schedule

Dear Homeowners and Residents:

Our offices will be closed Friday, December 23rd and Monday, December 26th for the Christmas holiday.

Garbage (Thursday) and yard trash (Saturday) will be picked up on schedule.

For any water or sewer emergencies please call our main number at 985- 231-6285 and press #3 for Lindsey.

For all other emergencies call the Security Guards at:

Main Guard Gate 985-845-7560
East Guard Gate 985-845-8495
Marina Guard Gate 985-845-7022

I hope everyone of our residents get to spend time with family and friends during this special time of year.

Have a very Blessed Holiday Season!

Cristina Donovan
Chief Administrative Officer

Keeping You Informed – BCHOA 2023 Payment Coupon Books

Dear Homeowners and Members,

The 2023 payment coupon book for the Beau Chene Homeowners Association’s (BCHOA) dues has just been mailed. The coupon book includes payment coupons for the period beginning January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023.

Coupon books have been mailed to all members that have NOT authorized the BCHOA to draft their checking account (ACHs) or charge a credit card for monthly dues.

If you do not receive a coupon book by December 12th, but think you should have, please contact the BCHOA office at 985-231-6285 or email us at Our office hours are Monday thru Friday, 8 AM – 5 PM.

Cristina Donovan, CAO

Keeping You Informed: Thanksgiving Schedule

Our offices will be closed on Thursday November 24th – Friday November 25th, in observance of Thanksgiving. Garbage pickup will still occur as scheduled, but please place your garbage out by 7 a.m.

For any water or sewer emergencies please call our main number at 985-231-6285 and press #3 for Lindsey.

For all other emergencies call the Security Guards at:

Main Guard Gate         985-845-7560
East Guard Gate           985-845-8495
Marina Guard Gate     985-845-7022

Have a safe, healthy and Happy Thanksgiving

Cristina Donovan

Tete L’Ours Drive Culvert Replacement Project

Dear Homeowners and Residents:

Re: Tete L’Ours Drive Culvert Replacement Project on Tuesday, September 27, 2022 

Our Public Works staff are working on a project to replace a culvert (drainage pipe) that is approximately 35-40 years old.  The culvert being replaced runs under Tete L’Ours Drive between the two driveways into Grand Cheniere Condos.   

 The work will include:

  • Removal of a section of the asphalt road and old culvert underneath road

  • Installation of new Contech A-2000 LADOTD approved pipe 

  • Fill in and pack with limestone and clay material and allow to compact. During compaction the road will be fully opened.  

  • The final step is to replace the asphalt roadway section either later this year or early next year.  

All work progress will be subject to weather conditions.  One lane will remain open at all times.  Residents and guests will need to drive cautiously and obey the instructions of flagmen directing traffic.  

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding these projects, please contact Lindsey Adkins at 985-231-6285.

Cristina Donovan

Keeping You Informed: Security Fall Message

Happy Fall Beau Chene!

Our community is a very special place, offering many amenities at a low cost to our residents.  One of those amenities is the security afforded to our neighborhood.  We offer several different levels of security outside of our staffed entry gates.  Some of these include:

  • 24hr/7-day a week roving security presence by our contract security

  • Our Sheriff’s Department Community Officer patrols periodically Monday thru Fridays   

  • Roving St. Tammany Sheriff’s Office Patrols on a once-a-week schedule during school bus pickups and drop offs 

  • Additional roving Sheriff’s Patrols for 16 hours starting from Friday at 8 PM to Sunday at 4 AM

  • Security Cameras at all three Gates

From these security measures and entry procedures we also track data from visitors entering the community.  In addition, we collect information from calls for security and review incidents to determine if adjustments to our procedures are needed.  Our staff and Board also monitor social media and, when made aware of incidents, reach out to the resident for clarification and understanding of what occurred and if we can mitigate future occurrences.

One way to assist each other is to call security if you see something unusual.  At the very least, reporting the event allows us to track what has happened and evaluate any measures that need to be taken.  In our community, we are fortunate to have many layers of security, but still could benefit from neighbors looking out for neighbors and reporting unusual events to our security team or BCHOA staff for follow-up.  

  • As a reminder, our security officers can be contacted 24/7 at 985-845-8495 or 985-845-7560.

If you feel there is an imminent crime or for your safety, please dial 911.  To reach the non-emergency Sheriff’s Office call 985-898-2338.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact BCHOA staff members Cristina Donovan or Bill Maier at 985-231-6285 or email at or

Thank you,

Scott Nowicki
Board Director & Security Committee Chair

BCHOA Labor Day Schedule

Our offices will be closed on Monday, September 5th in observance of Labor Day. Garbage/trash pickup will occur as scheduled.
For any water or sewer emergencies please call our main number at 985-231-6285 and press #3 for Lindsey.
For all other emergencies call the Security Guards at:
Main Guard Gate 985-845-7560
East Guard Gate 985-845-8495
Marina Guard Gate 985-845-7022
Enjoy the Weekend!
Cristina Donovan

Emergency Notification System – Test

Dear Homeowners and Residents:

The Beau Chene Homeowners Association (BCHOA) will be conducting our annual test of its Emergency Notification System (ENS) on Thursday, September 1, 2022 at 2:00 PM CST.  This is only a TEST of the system and no action is required. Only residents of Beau Chene who have signed up for the alert system will receive the TEST by either a Call or Text Message, depending on how they have opted-in. 

The ENS will be utilized by the BCHOA, pursuant to an established protocol, when situations require notification to the homeowners and residents through means not sufficiently met by currently available social media postings or email notifications.

To sign up for this service:
Go to the BCHOA website at This link will take you to the ENS page where you can complete the Opt -In to receive emergency notifications either as a Call or Text Message. 

If you have any questions concerning the BCHOA ENS or the TEST, please call the BCHOA administration at the main office at (985) 231-6285 or email at

Cristina Donovan

BCHOA 4th of July Holiday Hours

The Beau Chene Homeowners Association office will be closed on Monday, July 4th in observance of Independence Day.

There will be normal garbage pickups. For any water or sewer emergencies please call our main number at (985) 231-6285 and press #3 for Lindsey.

For all other emergencies, please call the Security Guards at:

Main Guard Gate            (985) 845-7560
East Guard Gate             (985) 845-8495
Marina Guard Gate         (985) 845-7022

Enjoy a safe and happy 4th of July!
Cristina Donovan

Observance of Memorial Day

The Beau Chene Homeowners Association office will be closed on Monday, May 30, 2022, in observance of Memorial Day.  Regular business hours will resume Tuesday, May 31, 2022 at 8 a.m. 

For any water or sewer emergencies please call our main number at 985- 231-6285 and press #3 for Lindsey or Jacob.  

For all other emergencies call the Security Guards at:
Main Guard Gate              985-845-7560
East Guard Gate               985-845-8495
Marina Guard Gate           985-845-7022 
Have a safe and happy holiday weekend.