Happy Fall Beau Chene!
Our community is a very special place, offering many amenities at a low cost to our residents. One of those amenities is the security afforded to our neighborhood. We offer several different levels of security outside of our staffed entry gates. Some of these include:
24hr/7-day a week roving security presence by our contract security
Our Sheriff’s Department Community Officer patrols periodically Monday thru Fridays
Roving St. Tammany Sheriff’s Office Patrols on a once-a-week schedule during school bus pickups and drop offs
Additional roving Sheriff’s Patrols for 16 hours starting from Friday at 8 PM to Sunday at 4 AM
Security Cameras at all three Gates
From these security measures and entry procedures we also track data from visitors entering the community. In addition, we collect information from calls for security and review incidents to determine if adjustments to our procedures are needed. Our staff and Board also monitor social media and, when made aware of incidents, reach out to the resident for clarification and understanding of what occurred and if we can mitigate future occurrences.
One way to assist each other is to call security if you see something unusual. At the very least, reporting the event allows us to track what has happened and evaluate any measures that need to be taken. In our community, we are fortunate to have many layers of security, but still could benefit from neighbors looking out for neighbors and reporting unusual events to our security team or BCHOA staff for follow-up.
If you feel there is an imminent crime or for your safety, please dial 911. To reach the non-emergency Sheriff’s Office call 985-898-2338.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact BCHOA staff members Cristina Donovan or Bill Maier at 985-231-6285 or email at cristinad@bchoa.org or billm@bchoa.org.
Thank you,
Scott Nowicki
Board Director & Security Committee Chair